HERC's Policy Documents
Grievance and Discipline
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Health and Safety
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Privacy Notice
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Safeguarding Code of Conduct
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Social Media Policy
Use of Social Media by Club Members
A small number of people (e.g. Committee members) are authorised to speak on behalf of HERC, however most of us will speak not on behalf of, but about the Club in private and public forums. As Club members, we are all part of the conversation. Social media is of great benefit to us as individuals and to HERC generally – we’re all using social media such as Facebook and Twitter to keep in touch and find out what’s going on.
There are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that we always apply common sense in our use of social media:
Codes of conduct
HERC's constitution requires that we all treat each other with respect and do not engage in actions which would bring the Club into disrepute – this includes how we conduct ourselves in all our activities with the Club, including social media and networking.
Have fun and share the spirit of the mighty HERC but be respectful online just as you would be in person.
Do's and Don'ts before posting / interacting on Social Media
Please remember that posts are not routinely moderated and we rely on the conduct of the members to allow the social media to operate smoothly. If you have any concerns and wish to complain about any post please email [email protected] detailing your complaint. The complaint will then be investigated by a Committee representative, either quickly and informally by speaking to the poster and the complainant, or if further action is required through the Club's formal procedures as detailed in the Club Constitution.
Administrators Guidelines
A small number of people (e.g. Committee members) are authorised to speak on behalf of HERC, however most of us will speak not on behalf of, but about the Club in private and public forums. As Club members, we are all part of the conversation. Social media is of great benefit to us as individuals and to HERC generally – we’re all using social media such as Facebook and Twitter to keep in touch and find out what’s going on.
There are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that we always apply common sense in our use of social media:
Codes of conduct
HERC's constitution requires that we all treat each other with respect and do not engage in actions which would bring the Club into disrepute – this includes how we conduct ourselves in all our activities with the Club, including social media and networking.
Have fun and share the spirit of the mighty HERC but be respectful online just as you would be in person.
Do's and Don'ts before posting / interacting on Social Media
- Think twice before posting. If you wouldn't want your employer, parents, friends, colleagues or future employer to see your post, don't post it.
- Be respectful. Be positive. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
- Remember many different audiences will see your posts including Club members, potential members, children, member's relatives and friends.
- Be professional and polite.
- Avoid posting inflammatory, objectionable, extraneous or off-topic messages that may provoke others into an emotional response (trolling/flaming). Avoid topics that may be controversial, like politics and religion. Don't post anything that you wouldn’t say openly in a workplace such as comments about drug use, profanity, off-colour or sexual humour, ethnic slurs, or personal insults.
- Be in the right state of mind when you make a post. Don't post when you're angry, upset, or your judgement is impaired in any way. Remember, the Internet is permanent!
- Remember that HERC reserves the right to delete any post or comment within any club forum, without warning or notice. Persistent flouting of this code will result in banning from the forums and/ or club disciplinary action.
Please remember that posts are not routinely moderated and we rely on the conduct of the members to allow the social media to operate smoothly. If you have any concerns and wish to complain about any post please email [email protected] detailing your complaint. The complaint will then be investigated by a Committee representative, either quickly and informally by speaking to the poster and the complainant, or if further action is required through the Club's formal procedures as detailed in the Club Constitution.
Administrators Guidelines
- Try to write your message in the third person, as you are typically speaking in the official voice of the Club (or the Club Committee) not your own voice when posting messages.
- You may choose to use the first person when replying in comments, but think about whether what you are saying is an official Club statement or your own personal opinion (which you should post under your own account).
- Take care when using Facebook on your mobile, as it often defaults to the admin account rather than your personal account.
- A Club Committee member must be the owner of any Club social media account. Other members can be made administrators on an account and may post content but the account must ultimately be "owned" by a Committee member.