All HERC members are welcomed and encouraged to take part and we very much hope you will be able to join us.
Not only is it fun, its FREE to run... all you need to do is turn up on the day with your club vest to race in.
Just in case you're new to the series, a link to mapometer to help you find the car park is here.
We recommend car sharing as car parking at Janesmoor Pond is limited. Once the first car park is full, please park at Stoney Cross, which is about 400 meters down the road from Janesmoor Pond, on the right hand side. The start and finish of the race will be between the two car parks. DO NOT PARK ON THE GRASS VERGE along the main road.
Due to nesting birds in the area, the race route will be on gravel and concrete/tarmac paths, with the last 200 meters on grass. It's the same route as last year, covering 4.7 miles. A map of the route is here.
We recommend cross or normal trainers.
The race will start promptly at 7.15pm, so please be on time.