The meeting is in the Ageas Suite, which is on the top floor of the Shane Warne Stand at the Ageas Bowl. This is the stand by the West Gate, which is on the left hand side as you go up Handbrake Hill at the Ageas Bowl. We understand that the West Gate will be open, although it's also possible to get access through the Atrium from the Clubhouse side of the ground.
The meeting will start at 8.00pm, so please arrive from 7.30pm onwards. There is a bar in the Suite, which will be manned by at least two bar staff. Unfortunately, it's not possible for us to get a discount on the bar prices, however Hedge End Running Club will give every member attending the meeting a £1 voucher towards the cost of a drink. We will also have an interval at the meeting to get a refill.
There will be a brief training session before the meeting. This is planned to start at the slightly earlier time of 18.45, meeting at the Clubhouse. Look out on the Facebook Group for further details of where the training will be held..
Having an Annual General Meeting is something that we have to do each year to comply with the rules and regulations related to running a Club. We have a constitution and an elected committee to manage and run the club in the best interests of the majority of the members. Changes to the Constitution need to be agreed by a majority of members at the AGM. A number of amendments are proposed this year as follows...
Page 1 - Objectives of the Club 1.... Change from "that are of 18 years and above;" To "that are of 16 years and above;"
Ordinary Members.... Change from "and that they are aged over 18 at the date of their application." To "and that they are aged over 16 at the date of their application."
Page 2 - New Members... Delete from Paragraph 1 "Arrival of new Members is to be on a coached night with a health check and Membership Application Form to be completed before participating in any club activities."
Page 4 - Ordinary Committee Members.... Changed from: "The Ordinary Committee Members shall be the Club Captains (Men’s and Ladies), Membership Secretary, Race Co-ordinator and Social Secretary and will be elected for a one-year term nominated in accordance with the procedure entitled “Election of Committee” set out below and elected by the Members at the Annual General Meeting."
To: "The Ordinary Committee Members shall be the Club Captains (Men’s and Ladies), Membership Secretary, Director of Community Running, Merchandising Secretary, Media Secretary and Social Secretary and will be elected for a one-year term nominated in accordance with the procedure entitled “Election of Committee” set out below and elected by the Members at the Annual General Meeting."
Page 7 - Club meetings - Changed from: "(a) the quorum for a General Meeting shall be at least 20 members of the Club’s General Membership personally present and entitled to vote."
To: "(a) the quorum for a General Meeting shall be at least 20% of the Club’s General Membership personally present and entitled to vote."
Page 9 - Interpretation of Club Constitution & Rules - Changed from: "The Constitution may be added to, repealed, or amended by resolution at any Annual or Special General Meeting carried by a majority of at least 20 Members of the Club’s General Membership personally present and entitled to vote."
To: The Constitution may be added to, repealed, or amended by resolution at any Annual or Special General Meeting carried by a majority of Members of the Club’s General Membership personally present and entitled to vote."
A new Committee will be elected at the meeting. Applications for these positions are now closed.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening. Apologies should be sent to Linda.... [email protected]