- All members that are attending training will need to register for the session on the club registration. Under no circumstances should you attend a session without pre-registering. Note: The details provided when registering will be passed on to the track and scheme in the event of somebody attending the session testing positive for COVID19 in the days following the session.
- If you are unable to attend after registering, please cancel your registration, which will allow others to attend in your place. In the event of repeated non attendance sanctions will be taken against the member (TBC).
- All participants and volunteers must undergo a self-assessment for any Covid-19- symptoms. No-one should attend a HERC training session if they have any of the following: A high temperature (above 37.8°C), a new, continuous cough, a loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste. This check should be done prior to each training session. Should an individual have demonstrated any such symptoms, they must not participate or volunteer, and should follow relevant government guidance.
- Anyone who has already been instructed to self-isolate by a health care practitioner should continue to follow this advice and may not participate or volunteer.
Before leaving home
- Follow all hygiene guidance including washing your hands.
- Ensure that all arrangements have been made prior to leaving home so that any government advice on social distancing, as an example, can be maintained at any facility.
- Coaches, leaders, and athletes should ensure they are prepared and have planned for circumstances where injuries or other accidents occur, and they have mitigating procedures and plans in place to resolve the issue while maintaining all government guidance.
- Ensure you have enough food and hydration for the session.
- Be aware that changing facilities and toilets may not be open
At Training
- Ensure all hygiene guidance on use of equipment or facilities is followed
- Any areas used for pre-event gathering should maximise the available space for each participant and minimise the amount of time participants spend in proximity to each other.
- Participants are permitted to walk or run at their own pace.
- During the event, participants should walk, jog or run with an aim of making use of all available space and minimising the amount of time in close proximity to each other.
- Participants should not spit anywhere on the course, high-five anyone else, or engage in any other non-essential contact.
- Other users of the park or area of open space should be given appropriate space.
After Training
- In the event that you test positive in the two weeks after attending a training session, you should contact the run leaders or one of the committee members to inform them, so that members can be contacted and details can be prepared to inform the government track and trace scheme.
Run Leaders / Coaches
- At HERC training sessions operating under the COVID-19 Framework, the training leader of each session will act as the COVID-19 Officer(s), which means that:
- Prior to attending, they will be required to familiarise themselves with this document and confirm they have done so.
- Where possible, all sessions should be planned to limit the use of any physical items. Where it is deemed necessary to use such items, only one person should come into contact with the item, for example the same person puts out and picks afterwards cones. All items should be cleaned after the event. Government advice on cleaning is available here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-decontamination-in-non-healthcare-settings
- Run leaders should bring the following items with them to sessions:
- Mobile phone to be used in the event of an emergency
- Face mask / covering to be used in the event of an emergency if social distancing cannot be maintained
- Hand sanitiser
- The government summarise what is required to implement a COVID Secure environment and these should be implemented for all training sessions aside from working from home:-;
- Carry out a COVID-19 risk assessment
- Develop cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures
- Maintain 2m social distancing, where possible
- Where people cannot be 2m apart, manage transmission risk
COVID Action Plan
- All HERC sessions will take place in a COVID secure environment, as defined by England Athletics. Details can be found in this document.
- You can find the risk assessments for each of the club session here: Risk Assessments
- All members attending the sessions, will be registered using the HERC eventbrite system: HERC Eventbrite
- Details of what is expected of all members will be provided when booking a place using Eventbrite, as well as specific updates and changes being provided by email, the club Facebook group and website.
- The club COVID coordinators are Matt Gardner and Mike Bridgeman. The run leaders taking specific sessions, will take on the role of COVID officer for that session.
Further Info