Time: 7pm
What is it? Miles for MIND is a fundraising event for Mental Health Charity MIND. It is open to all members of Hedge End Running Club. All we ask is that members pay £2 to enter. There will be prizes for the winning team.
Place: Meet at Wildern as usual. Warm-up will be a gentle jog to Dowd’s Farm Park where the event will take place, starting at 715pm.
How does it work? A course will be set out around Dowd’s Farm Park. Each team will have five members, each of whom must do two laps. These should be done in a team rotation (i.e. runner 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Each team will record their individual lap times and the cumulative time on a team sheet, to be handed in at the end. The last runner in each team must wear their team letter (provided) on their front.
Teams: Members are asked to sign up in advance. They will be put into teams, which will be a mix of male and female runners and will be mixed ability (based on parkrun times and information from Captains). Any members who do not sign up in advance but wish to take part on the night will be put into a team with any other late entries.
SIGN UP: BY DONATING YOUR £2 AT WWW.VIRGINMONEYGIVING.COM/HERC AND PUTTING ‘MILES FOR MIND’ IN THE COMMENT BOX. Simple! Teams will be posted on the website the day before the competition, and team sheets will be available on the night.
There will not be any other training session on this evening, so do something great, get a speedy few miles (plus warm-up and cool down) in, and enjoy what is set to be a great club competition!
What are you waiting for? Sign up now!