The first of my 4 previous marathons was actually London in 2009, and as I recall it was particularly warm and I struggled with dehydration and sun stroke but made it round in 4hr 15 ish I'm hoping the weather is cooler this time round! My last two marathons have also ended fairly disastrously (finished but in a lot of pain/sickness) so not feeling very confident heading into this years big race.
My immediate target was to get below the magic 4 hrs, and once I'd got Stubbington 10k done and dusted I put my Marathon training schedule together and all started off well for the first month! A week's running generally consisted of a Sunday long run, then during the week a recovery run, some intervals, and obviously parkrun. Unfortunately it seems it didn’t matter which schedule I could have come up with, work and life were going to conspire against me, so I'm sat here thinking 'Help! I haven't done enough running' To be fair up until the last 3 weeks I have managed a reasonable mix of running, cycling, swimming, along with core and HIIT workouts over the winter months so add that to my natural talent for being stubborn I should finish, but I'm not going to be hitting 4 hours! I will however make the most of the whole experience on the day and look forward to soaking up the awesome atmosphere that is The London Marathon
As usual seeing all the many achievements of the HERC family each weekend is truly inspiring. I look forward to representing the club on the 23rd and all being well sharing the post run photo and report with you all. I know it’s a big field but will hopefully see a few more Hedgies on the day to wave at!