So basically I worked back up to doing 10km before Christmas, ready for Stubbington 10km. I ran my slowest ever Stubbington run, however I got round.
I then decided to try to increase 1 mile a week for my long run, and that is basically what I did. Although I did miscalculate a few times and did more than expected.
If I am honest I think I peaked too early on distance. I did 21 miles about 5 weeks ago, felt great, but then I really suffered for a few weeks trying to drop back and then maintain the distance.
I fell over twice and really hurt my elbow the second time. I fell whilst looking at my running watch and congratulating myself on the quickest three miles I had done for ages. I then spectacularly glided to a halt on my elbow and knees. That will teach me! My husband was working and I was due to collect my boys from their maths tutor – so had to get up and finish the last 4 miles – looking a real state.
Whilst I got up and carried on running - this really shook me up. I think this really put me back a few weeks and knocked my confidence. I had a few disastrous runs that were meant to be 16 and 18 miles and ended up being 13, and 15 miles instead, and I was starting to get worried. Anyway I did 18 miles last Saturday (2 weeks before London), and felt OK – not great, but OK.
I had also incorporated at least 2 shorter runs in addition to the long run, either with the club, or by myself. I had to fit everything around work and family commitments. I had planned to do some cross training and joined the gym at work, but haven’t even been in it!
So in brief, I would say, my training has gone OK, I underestimated how much it would take out of me, how tired I would feel, and how hungry I would be. I have not lost any weight at all, which was a bit disappointing – as I could have done with losing a stone, but I didn’t want to diet, whilst training.
Diet, has remained the same, but I eat more protein, and slightly more carbs. I have been using Tailwind, in my Camelbak, which I am now hooked on for any run over 13 miles. Thanks Linda for that tip.
I would also add that it has really helped me to incorporate parkrun into my long Saturday am runs, and also to incorporate club runs in the week, where possible. Thanks everyone for your support – it has really helped.
I am fortunate enough to have Aurelio running with me – so I am sure he will look after me.
I am looking forward to crossing the line, and then seeing my family – I am sure I will cry.
My expectations are to finish, hopefully enjoy it, and not get injured, or feel ill and need to pull out. Which is all very possible given my track record. Most of all I don’t want to let my friends and family down – who have had to put up with me going on about it, and all the hours training for the last few months, and also as I have raised quite a bit for the Joe Glover trust. One thing you can be sure of is that I will be slow – I expect many people in large fancy dress outfits to pass me, but I will still be proud for having a go.
Thanks very much to everyone for all of their support! It really has made a huge difference, and I wouldn’t be where I am now without it!