This month the awards go to Andy Cockerell and Will Anthes.
Andy has been heavily involved in delivering the Tuesday track sessions at Southampton and the Thursday interval training over the past year. He's also (so far) competed for the club in six of this season's HRRL races as well as finding time to go to Boston for the Marathon in April. He also completed the 2016 London Marathon in a time of 2:58:15, the first (and so far only) sub 3 hour marathon in a Hedgie vest. Congratulations Andy
Will also ran a marathon in April - competing in the inaugural Southampton Marathon. Will has done a tremendous job for the club behind the scenes over the past couple of months, renewing everyone's membership and England Athletics registrations. It's not always visible how much time and effort this takes but all members should be grateful to Will for the work he's done. Will is now also starting to lead Thursday evening group runs. Congratulations Will.